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 Year two began in the month of January 2022. At the beginning of this year I told God that this year will be my year of growth and development and now being the month of July, I will say that what God has been doing for me is so wonderful that words cannot describe. I have never felt like this before because God's faithfulness is ever so pure.

At the beginning of my year 2, I will never forget the amount of advise that was roaming vastly by our senior colleagues. Both positive and negative but mostly negative ones. Saying, 'in this stage of our lives we need to be wise not just in academics but in other forms in order to pass'. And this statement kept repeating itself by so many other persons and every time I hear them or by chance come across those statement or words similar to the meaning I get really disgusted. I even told some of my friends about this because I couldn't just keep it to myself. I prayed about this after hearing their opinions and decide to leave it to God and trust the process. So I did and thus far everything has been going smoothly.

Year 2 first semester for me was a miracle, especially the exam period. That was when I knew that truly God keeps his words;


"Trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths." 

I have come to know that God is not a man that He should lie, whatever He says that is exactly what will come to pass. He shows mercy to whoever He desires to show mercy. This is a fact that we can't change, what we can change is the ability for us to accept and obey Him, though it may be hard but it is worth a try. Why do I say this? I say this because first semester was a semester I took a huge risk, one that didn't make sense to the human mind. I had my reasons for doing this and I believe that God will surely answer.


Clocking 19 on April 6th was a huge turnover to me. It really dawned on me like never before, the task I have at hand. I mean it struck me when I clocked 18 but not as hard as this one presently and this got me thinking, remembering what I learned from someone, 'until you are in the right position, frame of mind and stage of life the Lord desires of you to become then and only then will you be able to see clearly the things that are ahead of you.'

This year is one year among the years that I will never forget. The year where I made more connection, learned and still learning new skills, engaging in healthy and challenging communications. If I'm to say for thus far this year, I would say that I'm not the person I used to be before because the girl of 2019 is really not the girl of 2022. A lot have come and gone, some of which the Lord has kept and some of which He has taken away for good and truly am grateful. This is what I asked for the beginning of the year "growth and development" and to be honest that's what I see now. This shows me that the Lord has a lot ahead for his children who are willing and ready.

Take home;

It won't be easy at first. Seek the Holy Spirit and talk to him, for he is our counsellor and will lead you to the right path. 

Be dependent, not on your own wisdom but on that of God and see where it takes you. Though it might seem impossible, just keep trying and seek for strength every step of the way. I know who I was then compared to now and it is very much different. It took me a lot of courage to start talking to people and a lot of prayers to also pair up with the right persons. I haven't stop and I won't stop and neither should you.

Believe in God and in yourself, pray like as if your life depends on it and work as if your life depends on it.

Remember to acknowledge God in all your ways (PROVERBS 3:5)




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