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The courses involved for year three MLS students in Nigeria? / A little token of advice!

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In my 3rd year and about to enter the last semester of the year! My MLS journey

 Oh my goodness, what a ride it has been.  If I'm to be honest, my 3rd year thus far wasn't actually that bad. The first semester was long, cause of the election in Nigeria at that period, but I enjoyed every step of the way.  This semester really showed me the beauty of medical laboratory science and oh, how I desire to be a certified Scientist. It's so crazy that the Lord brought me into a course that I basically had no idea of nor did I desire to be in, and now I'm in love with it. I remember when I was pursuing medicine and surgery with all my mind and with all my heart and with all my strength. I forgot that, no matter how far I go in my will, His will always prevails.  I saw that He wanted me to go through all those wrong path in order for me to realize that His perfect will in my life will always prevail. Like I said, first semester of third year was long, very long, about 7 months, which was abnormal. The semester lecture consist of basic knowledge we needed in

My experience as an intern in the lab

  On the 20th of December 2022 my mom and I went out together for me to apply as an intern. Let's reverse to days before now <<< <<< My brother and I had a discussion on this and we came to a conclusion on a particular lab. Okay that aside, I decided to meet one of my uncles who apparently studied the course that I am currently studying, which is medical laboratory science and he made mention of another lab. Now, the lab he mentioned was the one that I faced head on to get and so I applied but unfortunately I got rejected. Already looking tired and frustrated, it dawned on me the one my brother and I was talking about and just before we were about to conclude I brought it up and my mum in her tiredness said, "after this one, no more". So we went there and applied. Luckily for us we got the privilege to see the manager and we explained further, without no bombarding questions from her. She said "when can I start coming" ? At first I was lik

End of year 2 / A new beginning

 Wow, the level that has so been over hyped has finally come to an end. God is really wonderful.  I won't lie, second semester was a semester filled with opportunities and lots more connections than ever before. At the beginning of second semester I was so blind folded to the vast opportunities that came my way. But luckily for me due to the  habit I developed over the years of  'never letting a day go by without reading' I was able to meet up before the quiz week started. One thing I have learnt so far is that never lose track of where you are heading to in life. Many things and people will certainly come your way, some may be good and some may be bad. But having a mind so vivid and surrounding yourself with people that molds you positively be it in their absence or in their presence has a vast impact in your everyday life.  I remembered asking God about the things I desire to do; learn the guitar, further more into graphic design, be in an organization that cherish God mo


 Year two began in the month of January 2022. At the beginning of this year I told God that this year will be my year of growth and development and now being the month of July, I will say that what God has been doing for me is so wonderful that words cannot describe. I have never felt like this before because God's faithfulness is ever so pure. At the beginning of my year 2, I will never forget the amount of advise that was roaming vastly by our senior colleagues. Both positive and negative but mostly negative ones. Saying, 'in this stage of our lives we need to be wise not just in academics but in other forms in order to pass'. And this statement kept repeating itself by so many other persons and every time I hear them or by chance come across those statement or words similar to the meaning I get really disgusted. I even told some of my friends about this because I couldn't just keep it to myself. I prayed about this after hearing their opinions and decide to leave it

Exams update | year one med school first semester

 ðŸ—£️Finally Finally Finally  Thank God🤸 To be honest the exams went well... So first semester gone, all done and dusted. We were meant to finish on the 27th (monday) but due to the strife that has been going on in the East they have currently made every monday's SIT AT HOME day till further notice. So based on that they extended the exams to tuesday(28). I’m heading home tomorrow(29th) by His grace for a two week break then I will come back to school for the second semester which, according to our seniors, is the shortest semester of the year. So basically things will be brief this coming semester and hopefully I will be able to catch up with the scheme as it is usually broad. Short semester, Broad scheme... So help me God! Thanks for all your support and I pray that God will vindicate all my efforts and grant me a good result for this first semester. ✌️ see you soon!!

How its been going for the past five months after entry.

  Started school in May 2021, and now it's the 5th month and to be honest the struggle is REAL.  I didn't know that it will be like this. To be sincere it has been a rough ride and I’m just in year one (1) but faith in God and good company has been carrying me through. The study sessions, lectures, social life and prayer life is something I'm trying to place in balance because they are very crucial to my growth and general health.   Balance should always be the key for every med student. Currently I'm about to take my first semester exams. I’m 30% nervous but 70% chill. Actually this exams was meant to be taken a little bit earlier than now but due to the up's and down's of the school's system it has been finalized this september (14th to 27th). I hope to get a high GPA this semester so that by His grace it will be easier for me the next semester. Once my CGPA is all great I will be able to transfer to my desired course, Medicine and Surgery. Be sure to c

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